Green Finance Observatory
The mission of the GFO is to analyse the new market mechanisms and sustainable finance frameworks, in order to determine how likely they are to meet their stated environmental, economic and social objectives.
Its purpose is to highlight the simple policy questions underlying the complex market mechanisms and challenge unfounded claims, to enable a healthy public debate on these issues.
The text
A text designed to raise awareness among indigenous peoples whose land is being grabbed by big business, leaving them dispossessed. It explains the processes, increasing people's ability to understand and challenge.
Why evergreen?
This is a universal theme which is relevant to indigenous communities and the poor throughout the world.
The beneficiaries
Indigenous peoples in poorer countries will become more aware of and able to defend their rights and their land.
The details
The text is 3622 words, in Word and can be accessed here, as long as you make a copy and leave the original.
Once you're done, send us a message via the form below, and then an email with the text attached so we can add it to your ProZ Pro Bono totals on the Dashboard.