Welcome to the ProZ Pro Bono blog – launched in January 2024 – a space where we'll explore the pivotal role of translation in connecting communities and furthering the missions of nonprofits globally. In these posts I'll offer a personal perspective on professional matters, touching on themes that resonate with both translators and clients, and sharing some of the ups and downs along our way.

My office in Spain
Here are some of the engaging topics we'll cover – in no particular order – over the weeks and months ahead:
Reflections: Reflecting on current events, I’ll discuss their relevance to our work and the broader implications for global communication and cooperation in general, and within our program in particular.
Charity impact: The impact of our work is best seen through the stories of change. I'll bring you narratives of how our translations have made a difference in communities around the globe.
Non-profit client interviews: Every week, we'll feature a YouTube conversation with one of our nonprofit partners. We'll delve into their mission, the challenges they face, and the transformative role ProZ Pro Bono plays in amplifying their work through translation.
Humanitarian translation insights: We'll explore a fascinating world, with its own context, causes, aims, clients, ethics and guidelines. What makes humanitarian translation (and indeed environmental or animal-rights translation) different from other sectors?
Translator spotlight: I'll share stories from our talented translators, giving them the recognition they deserve. Their journeys, challenges, and successes are the heartbeat of our project.
Cultural exchange corner: Culture is the soul of language, and in this section, we'll exchange cultural insights, becoming ever more aware of the diversity of our global family.
And finally in Behind the scenes: I'll offer up an insider's view of the operations at ProZ Pro Bono, where every task is a step towards bridging language barriers and fostering understanding.
So pack your suitcase and join us on this trip around the world with the program. All aboard!

Not my office, but a nice picture all the same...
I've reached a point where I'm beginning to look for more meaning in the work I do as a translator: translating so that the world's big groups make more and more money; so that the rich get richer and the poor poorer; so that our earth, which is already at the end of its tether, collapses for good to satisfy the ferocious appetites of shareholders? As a translator, I have ideals, moral and ethical principles and convictions, and unfortunately I'm often afraid (and with good reason) that all I'm doing is supporting and reinforcing the strongest in their frantic, almost hysterical pursuit of money and power, by providing them with my skills.
So, yes, I'd like to contribute with my…
Je suis arrivée à un point auquel je commence à chercher plus de sens dans le travail que je fais comme traductrice : traduire pour que les grands groupes mondiaux gagnent de plus en plus d'argent ; pour que les riches deviennent de plus en plus riches et les pauvres de plus en plus pauvres ; pour que notre terre, qui est déjà à bout de force, s'effondre pour de bon pour satisfaire les appétits féroces des actionnaires ? En tant que traductrice, j'ai des idéaux, des principes moraux et éthiques, des convictions et j'ai malheureusement souvent peur (et pour cause) que je ne fais que soutenir et renforcer les plus forts dans leur course effrénée, presque hystérique, après l'argent…
Bravo Andrew.
Love it Thank you! i particularly like the Cultural Exchange Corner and the charity impact section. this latter one is, for me, the crux of the matter. If we can make the world a better place for some people, we have a purpose and the goal Is not measured in words but in deeds. Great initiative, as always!